Walk cycle task.
Previously mentioned task was to generate a simple walk of a chosen character; I picked Stewart rig from the Animator Mentor website. I worked in Maya, as I only know the Blender software very little (for now).
After watching a tutorial called Blocking out a classic walk cycle using Maya several times and looking at the walk cycle drawings from the Animators survival kit (Williams, 2009), I started to work on this little task.
I managed to recreate a simple walk from the video mentioned above, where several key poses: contact, low, passing and high were blocked.
The second video created was also a walk but with a little twist added to it. I decided to create a relaxed, happy and bouncy walk where it looks like Stewart is listening to the music and his walk matches the rhythm. Low key pose is quite low and there is also a head movement.
Both walks recordings are available to watch on my Padlet called Basic walk. Stewart.
I enjoyed this learning process and am excited to do more animations very soon.